Controlling the Call Calibration Session

Call Calibration sessions are a critical tool for managers to assess the performance of their agents and ensure consistent quality of customer interactions. During these sessions, managers review recorded calls with agents, identify areas for improvement, and provide feedback to enhance the agents' skills and overall performance. The effectiveness of these calibration sessions is directly related to the ability of managers to control the session and maintain a productive and focused environment. 
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Set Clear Objectives & Guidelines

Controlling a call calibration session starts with setting clear objectives and guidelines for the meeting. Managers should communicate the purpose of the session, the specific skill or behaviors they will be evaluating, and the expectations they have for agent participation. This helps to ensure that the session stays on track and focuses on the relevant issues.

Be Proactive

During the session, managers should also be proactive in managing the conversation and directing the flow of the discussion. This means asking open-ended questions, actively listening to the responses, and providing constructive feedback that is specific, measurable, and actionable. By keeping the conversation structured and focused, managers can prevent the session from becoming sidetracked by irrelevant issues or personal opinions.

Manage Emotional Climate of the Meeting

Another important aspect of controlling a call calibration session is managing the emotional climate of the meeting. Agents may feel anxious or defensive when their performance is being evaluated, and it is the manager's responsibility to create a safe and supportive environment that encourages open communication and constructive feedback. This can be achieved by acknowledging the agents' contributions, recognizing their strengths, and providing guidance and support to help them improve in areas where they are struggling.

Be Mindful of Personal Biases & Preconceptions

Finally, managers should also be mindful of their own biases and preconceptions when evaluating agents' performance. By using objective criteria and measuring performance against clearly defined standards, managers can avoid subjective evaluations and provide fair and consistent feedback to all agents.

In conclusion, controlling a call calibration session is a critical component of effective call session management. By setting clear objectives, managing the conversation, creating a supportive environment, and using objective criteria, managers can ensure that these sessions are productive and focused on improving agent performance and delivering consistent quality of customer interactions.