We Design and Tailor the Key Integrated Components, Train Your Managers and Certify Their Skill
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A thorough, agile inspection identifies current strengths and opportunities.
Onsite assessments are conducted over 3-4 days, concluding with the submission of a comprehensive written report. They are always tailored to specific client needs, typically covering the following scope.
Onsite assessments are conducted over 3-4 days, concluding with the submission of a comprehensive written report. They are always tailored to specific client needs, typically covering the following scope.
Collection / Customer Service / Sales Strategy
Production of Contacts
The Management System
- Segmentation of accounts and the use of scoring“
- Aiming” of the work effort
- Organizational structure
- Process workflow
- Analysis, measurement and forecasting business unit outcomes
- Supporting systems
- Staffing levels
Production of Contacts
- Dialer operations and expertise
- Daily and weekly calling plans/process (dialer and manual)
- Management of production pacing factors
- Scheduling process and use of Prime Time
- “Manual” or high-risk production rates
- Supporting technology and systems
- Skip tracing process
- In-bound call managementFile penetration
- Comparison of PRODUCTION rates to Industry Best
- Conversion of Contacts into Payments / Sales
- Call model (current)Agent call skills (current)Hiring and initial training process
- On-going collector/associate call skill development process
- Compensation and incentives (basis and amount)Available payment options and use
- Comparison of PAYMENT/SALES rates to Industry Best
The Management System
- Senior management skills and roles
- Middle management skills and roles
- Supervisor skills and roles
- Process for developing First Line Supervisors and aboveSpans of control
- Scheduling of managers and supervisors
- Availability and appropriateness of production report
- Availability and appropriateness of payment/sales/skill report
- Focusing on only mission-critical reports that identify performance opportunities and executing action plans to leverage them.
- Avoidance of unnecessary reports and reports that generate counterproductive activities.
Simple, effective call model and training certification provide the framework, call content and SALES skills for the conversion of contacts into payments/sales.
Managers will:
Managers will:
- Master a proven effective non-scripted call model tailored to your collection/customer service/sales objectives.
- Utilize the Advanced Call Skill Certification process to initially train collectors/associates in mastering the call model.
- Employ the model and simple role-playing to coach and continue to improve collector/associate call skills.
- Learn how to install Call Skill Certification in new-hire training.
- Master call skill evaluation and coaching.
- Become confident experts and role models in Advanced Call Skills.
Provides “at-a-glance” ability to diagnose performance opportunities in both production and conversion, while furnishing the framework for tying opportunities to specific dialer and call model cause-and-effect issues.
Our System will:
Our System will:
- Bring simplicity and single-page ease of performance diagnosis to what is typically a myriad of collection/sales reports.
- Empower first line supervisors to identify and seize very specific performance opportunities in their teams.
- Roll up to form a consistent performance picture and diagnostic tool for any unit of measure: the individual Agent, team, department, site and total program.
- Sets specific performance goals for each critical component of contact production and of call skills performance.
- Replaces general “You-have-to-do-better” coaching with specific targeted and measurable performance improvements.
- Easily install in your operation using data already available in your operation… it requires no system changes or large-scale IT project.
Teaches and certifies Team Leader (first-line supervisor) ability to diagnose and develop Agents and grow team performance through structured processes and manager mentoring.
Leaders will:
Leaders will:
- Be trained and Certified in their ability to diagnose individual Agent performance opportunities using the “Instrument Panel”.
- Be trained and Certified in their ability to diagnose performance opportunities in their team as a whole using the “Instrument Panel”.
- Be trained and Certified in their ability to prepare monthly development plans and set measurable and realistic performance goals for their Agents.
- Be trained and Certified in their ability to coach and counsel their Agents and achieve buy-in on monthly performance improvement goals.
- Be trained mentored and Certified in their ability to teach Call Skills.
- Be trained, mentored and Certified in their ability to perform specific critical written skill development tasks under specified conditions and to meet specified performance standards.
Teaches and certifies managers (Department and higher) in critical tasks driving high performance in first-line supervision and in groups of teams through structured processes and manager mentoring.
Leaders will:
Leaders will:
- Be trained and Certified in their ability to diagnose individual team and first-line supervisor performance opportunities using the “Instrument Panel”.
- Be trained and Certified in their ability to diagnose performance opportunities in their department or site as a whole using the “Instrument Panel”.
- Be trained and Certified in their ability to prepare monthly development plans and set measurable and realistic performance goals for their subordinate supervisors and managers.
- Be trained and Certified in their ability to coach and counsel their subordinate supervisors and managers and achieve buy-in on monthly performance improvement goals.
- Be trained, mentored and Certified in their ability to perform specific critical written production and skill development tasks under specified conditions and meeting specified performance standards.
A structured process for long-term sustainment of management and Agent skills
Rather than just occasional training:
Rather than just occasional training:
- Puts teams on a structured daily training schedule using “mini-lesson plans” and continuously improves leader and Agent skill.
- Provides a “Rites of Passage” for promotions and skill level advancements.
- Provides an on-going simple framework and process for introducing and verifying new skills.
- Installs a rigorous process for periodic (or continuous) off-the-shelf skill evaluations of Agents with minimal commitment of time….
- Tells you if your Management Operating System is working!