Renting the Behavior
of an Employee

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Making your one-on-one time with your agent as effective as possible is crucial because it involves taking them away from their primary task of assisting clients and generating revenue. During these sessions, it's essential for agents to come prepared with questions, goals, and clear expectations.
Primarily, this preparation ensures that the limited time spent in one-on-one meetings is used efficiently. Agents can address their concerns, seek guidance, and receive feedback without wasting precious moments trying to figure out what to discuss.
Also, clear communication is key. When agents and managers articulate their goals and expectations clearly, they can have a more targeted approach by enhancing the overall impact of the interaction. 
Additionally, these focused sessions can lead to skill development, improved performance, and a better understanding of the organization's goals. In turn, this positively affects client interactions when agents return to their regular duties, ultimately contributing to increased revenue.